Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Washington Height s ( Wh ) - 2555 Words

The name Washington Height’s (WH) was adopted in the 1870s and came from Fort Washington which was named after George Washington. The fort was situated at the Hudson river which is today referred to as 185th street and was constructed as a fortification during the American Revolutionary War by the army troops to defend the area from the British army (Fernandez, 2007). The first ever recorded home to be built in this place was in 1856 by Moorewood who later sold the property to Richard Carmen in 1880. The house was later sold as a summer home to one James Gordon in 1871. The family later gave the property away to the state to build a park in honor of the revolutionary war campsites. Another home was built in 1864 by a New Orleans merchant†¦show more content†¦In the beginning, the Irish immigrants moved here to establish their homes followed by the European Jews who were running away from the Nazis in 1930-1940s. In the 1950s, the Greeks moved in to form Astoria commu nity of Manhattan (Rodriguez, 2015). Several events in 19th and 20th century forced immigrants to move to the Washington heights. For example, the World Aar I of 1918, saw immigrants from Hungary and Poland who move to WH. Then there was the German Nazis which spread to other European countries after the start of the World War II in 1939. More than 30,000 people from German, Poland and Russia seek refuge in the WH (Rodriguez, 2015). Jewish immigrants from Germany and other European countries. There was the existence of German Nazis anti-Semitism in Germany for a long time. When Hitler rose to power in 1933, he ordered anti-Semitism which caused several unplanned violence against the Jews in Germany (McWilliams, 2013). The Germans regarded the Jews as inferiors and saw that the only way to cleanse Europe was to destroy the Jewish race. After the Germans had lost WWI, they began seeing the Jews as a cause of their defeat and other economic woes. To Hitler, the reason they were defeated was that the inferior race of the J ews had breaded with the superior Germans weakening the fighting spirits. The Jewish community was forced to wear the Star of David at all times so that the German citizens could identify

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